Many people who buy homes on Marco Island worry about the neighborhood and making friends. Marco Island is the Island of transplants and everyone is working at getting to know the neighbors. Our neighborhood is exceptional. There are group parties, like Super Bowl, college football games, St Patrick’s day, where we get together and have fun. Everyone brings food and we are all about the same age and very compatible. Some neighbors have dogs and we get the dogs together and socialize. I keep asking my husband to walk with us, it is not strenuous since we stop to talk with the neighbors. The neighbors get together for golf, tennis, exercise classes, fishing and dive trips, and a cocktail party in the cul-de-sac on Wednesday evening with the dogs called Mutts and Martinis. We have a great time. A few of us work and miss the daytime activities. It is a wonderful place to live. I watch homes for absentee owners so when they head to their northern homes, I provide them with weekly inspections for security.
We still communicate during the summer letting them know about happenings on Marco Island. They love to come back to our weather and friends. It is a fun transition for everyone. We also have an older lady who lives alone in her home. We help her with garbage cans and take her cookies at Christmas, etc. There are widows and widowers who are always welcome to join in. It is a wonderful place to live and work. I have been here since 1980. I am glad we live on Marco Island. It is a great place to raise a family.